
I have created this blog as a means of developing my professional development in teaching. Firstly, I believe that recording my practical experience through a blog is a great way to reflect upon the positives and negatives of what I have seen in the classroom. It is very easy to forget otherwise. Moreover, it allows me the opportunity to look back at previous blog posts and see for myself how I have progressed professionally. Without taking the time to do this, there will be no growth in my ongoing development as a teacher and any improvement in skills will simply come to a standstill. 

 Secondly, I believe that teachers need to come together and share their resources with each other. We have a responsibility to do what is best for our students’ learning and this is ultimately the best way to do so. Through the sharing of resources we can build upon each other’s ideas and allow our students to excel to their full potential. 

I hope you enjoy following my blog and happy reading!